
Brides of Christ
Young single women, ages 18-28, are eligible to discern their vocation with the Sisters, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Aspirants must be practicing Roman Catholics in good physical and mental health, with no history of addiction or allergies that prohibit them from the common life. They must have at least a high school diploma, held a job and have a license to drive.
Applications to visit are available on request.

Steps of Religious Life:



Postulancy is a six-month period of serious discernment. It is the initial breaking away from  the world that allows young ladies to freely seek God’s Will.



The Noviciate is a 2-year period of study and formation. A Novice receives a new name in religion, the habit of the Sisters MICM and wears a white veil.

First Profession

First Profession

During the ceremony of First Profession the Sister wears the bridal gown which she exchanges after the offertory of the Mass for the full habit. Watch a Profession ceremony below.

Final Profession

The Final Profession is last step to finalize their life of True Devotion as a Slave of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

A Sister pronounces her final vows publicly during a High Mass, signing them at the altar. She receives in return the symbolic black veil of final profession and a wreath of white roses symbolic of her eternal espousals.

Watch the video below to see a beautiful example of a First Profession and a Final Profession. Behold the Bridegroom cometh! Let us go forth to meet Him!

Prayer for Vocations

O Expectation of Israel, the Savior thereof in time of trouble, graciously look down from Heaven! Behold and visit this vineyard, fill up plentifully the streams thereof.

Multiply its fruit and perfect that which Thy right hand hath planted. The harvest is indeed great but the laborers are few. We beseech Thee, therefore, Lord of the harvest, to send laborers into Thy harvest! Multiply thy family and increase its joy that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up!

This is Thy house, O Lord God, this is Thy House! Let there not be in it, I beseech Thee, a stone which Thy most holy hand hath not placed!

Preserve in Thy name those whom Thou hast called, and sanctify them in truth. Amen.