Prayer Life
Traditional Latin LiturgySoul of Christ, sanctify me…
Every day the Sisters MICM are blessed to attend the Latin Tridentine Mass at the monastery.
This beautiful liturgy, unchanged throughout the ages, has been the source of strength to a myriad of Saints through history. It is the pillar supporting the spiritual life of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The beauty, solemnity and reverence of this liturgy – the renewal of the Sacrifice of God’s own Son on the Cross – brings Christ into our lives as we receive Him in Holy Communion.

Living Tradition
The liturgical ceremonies and feast-days of the Traditional Rite fill the lives of the religious with a richness and ever-present love of Our Lord. The daily recitation of the traditional 15 decades of the Rosary, takes the place of the Hours in our active life. Each day ends with “The Little Office of Our Lady” when Compline is sung in the convent chapel.

Living True Devotion
The title, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, taken from the writings of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, is both bold and beautiful. It captures the complete consecration of the Sisters in the only religious community that has dared to use this title and to glory in its lowliness. “To serve thee (Mary) is liberty!”
Our spirituality comes directly from the classic work of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort’s treatise: “True Devotion to Mary.” Every morning, in our convent chapel, we consecrate ourselves to Our Lady, using the formula of Total Consecration written by Saint Louis Marie. We give all we have to her, going to Jesus through Mary in all things.