About the Sisters
Est. 1976“The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Saint Benedict Center” is a traditional, active Order with full approval of the Church as a Public Association of the Faithful in the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts.
The Sisters live the spirit of True Devotion to Mary, consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary, using the formula written by Saint Louis Marie De Montfort in his classic treatise, “True Devotion to Mary.”
Although called “Saint Benedict Center” and reflecting a life of work and prayer, we are not Benedictines. Our community was originally founded in 1949 by Father Leonard Feeney in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
However, in 1976 one of the original members, Brother Hugh Mac Isaac, re-founded and revived the community, restoring its original apostolic fervor.
Brother Hugh restored the publication of “From the Housetops,” and its distribution. He also started Immaculate Heart of Mary School and opened the door to many other apostolates. The spirit of Brother Hugh still permeates our work even though his dynamic leadership ended with his death in 1979.
The members persevered through the tumultuous years that followed his death. Their commitment lead to canonical status in the Church, without wavering in our loyalty to the Tridentine Liturgy and promotion of the Doctrines of the Faith.

The Beginnings
Brother Hugh MacIsaac’s example was the motivating force that set our apostolates in motion and are the spirit that still drive them today.
The monastery has grown from its original three acres to 100+ acres with 15 buildings on the campus.
Read the full history of our community in the History section of our Monastery website.
Village of Still River, Harvard MA.
The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary practice the concept of the early monasticism of Saint Benedict, after whom the monastery is named. Ora et Labora! Pray and Work!